Discovery Bar
11:00am | Jeffrey Pomerantz Virtual Field Trips to the Past |
12:00pm | Heli Tuomi Carlile Time to Flow |
1:00pm | Tupac Martir Technology as a Character |
2:00pm | Caitlin Foley & Misha Rabinovich Shrine to Fallen Microbes |
3:15pm | EL Putnam & Leonie Bradbury Digital Art And/As Performance: A Conversation with Dr. Leonie Bradbury and Dr. EL Putnam |
11am-4pm | Immersive Humanities |
11am-4pm | PopUp MakerSpace |
11am-4pm | Remix the Harvard Art Museums’ Collections |
11am-4pm | Harvard Plate Stacks Cyanotype Printing Science Center Courtyard |
1pm-4pm | AR Books from the Fine Arts Library |